
JDK 7 Installation Instructions for Oracle Solaris 11 using IPS packages

To install JDK 7 on Oracle Solaris 11, install the jdk-7 package:
  1. Make sure the jdk-7 package is available from your IPS publisher.
    $ pkg list -a jdk-7==>查看是否在安裝清單中
    NAME (PUBLISHER)        VERSION                    IFO
    developer/java/jdk-7    ---==>有出現這個就是有在清單中
    If you see an "i" in the I column, then the package is already installed.
    This package is available from the solaris publisher at and also from other publisher origins. If you see a message that no such package is found, use the pkg publisher command to check your publisher origin and contact your system administrator or Oracle Support representative.
  2. Make sure you have permission to install IPS packages.
    • Use the profiles command to list the rights profiles that are assigned to you. If you have the Software Installation rights profile, you can use the pfexec command to install and update packages.
      $ pfexec pkg install jdk-7===>執行這行命令下載java安裝檔
      Other rights profiles also provide installation privilege, such as System Administrator rights profile.
    • Depending on the security policy at your site, you might be able to use the sudo command with your user password to execute a privileged command.
      $ sudo pkg install jdk-7
    • Use the roles command to list the roles that are assigned to you. If you have the root role, you can use the su command with the root password to assume the root role.
      # pkg install jdk-7==>用root權限執行安裝(先KEY su,會要求ROOT密碼,key完密碼,就可執行安裝)



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