--連結不同資料庫,做INSERT的動作,個資做掩碼處理,錯誤時利用SQLMAIL發MAIL declare @cc varchar(max); declare @myCursor cursor; set @myCursor =cursor fast_forward FOR --先找有重複的資料數目 select (SELECT (count(reg_rno)) FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=999.999.999.999;User ID=@@@@@;Password=#####' ).[資料庫名稱].dbo.table_name where reg_rno is not null and len(reg_rno)>0 and lay_off=0 group by reg_rno having count(reg_rno)>1) open @myCursor fetch next from @mycursor into @cc if ( @cc is null) --沒有重複的資料 BEGIN --做清空TABLE的動作 truncate table [資料庫名稱].dbo.TABLE_NAME ; --把資料insert進去 insert into [資料庫名稱].dbo.TABLE_NAME (AG_CODE,AG_NAME,EMAIL,REMOVE_YN,CREATE_DT,CREATE_BY,MODIFY_DT,MODIFY_BY) SELECT reg_rno ,case len(LTRIM(name)) when 1 then LTRIM(name) when 2 then left(ltrim(name),1)+'O' ELSE left(ltrim(name),1)+REPLICATE('O',len(ltrim(name))-2)+right(ltrim(name),1) END ,email,(case lay_off when 0 then 'N' ...